Protect our planet

I am committed to protecting our planet.
My designs are printed in the UK, onto FSC rated paper stocks (that are either recycled or recyclable) using water based inks.

Likewise, my packaging is recyclable or compostable and is often re-used from other local businesses.

To extend this further, I monitor my supply chain, choose my materials carefully and work with other like-minded suppliers.

Hands holding green and pink colour charts, comparing to a hand painted image alongside naturally dyed bamboo silk ribbon

I am not perfect but, I am committed to the process of continuous improvement!

Knowledge is power, this is why I have embarked on the Small Business Britain’s “Green Skills For Small Business” course.

Gemma sat on tree sketching in woodland full of a bluebells

Big heart, Small footprints

I am committed to reducing our carbon footprint; thus far I have reduced business travel; reduced unnecessary business purchases and I am currently overhauling my home. 2024 will be the year I replace all of the windows in my home (my office) for up to date, energy efficient models.

To help offset my carbon footprint I also pledge to donate 10% of our annual profits to The Woodland Trust.

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